Tantra Massage Therapy is a revolutionary form of hands-on bodywork that was developed by modern tantrics as an antidote to conventional issues that plague many people today. The beneficial aspects are many, however, it is most renowned as a profound instrument of healing and famed for its ability to remove* sexual and energetic blockages.

By removing* these hindrances a person can experience a remodeling of their entire being and be awakened to profound effects on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual.


What Are Blockages?

Every human being has blockages and the root cause and essence can vary from person to person. Many assume that blockages stem from some degree of trauma or extremely stressful experience, and while this can be one source, it is not the only. Blockages can originate from everyday, routine experiences and habits as well.

Our experiences or actions don’t immediately become an imprint of course, as this does take time. However, the longer we repeat a certain pattern or behavior we create a “seed” of potential that is deposited into our physical and energetic structures.

The more we feed this “seed”, consciously or unconsciously through our actions, the more it grows and becomes apart of who we are. Its inward manifestation becomes an outward projection.

If the seed is of a negative or harmful nature we can begin experiencing various problems such as health issues, emotional instabilities, depression, anxiety, mental confusion, discontent in life, sexual dysfunction and much more.

Rarely we do relate such things to a particular habit or pattern that we live in our day lives. This is what we call a blockage.


A Therapy Rooted In Energy

Tantra Massage Therapy is indeed unique and not comparable to any other form or branch of massage – it is in a class of its own. It comes from the tradition of Tantra, a comprehensive and spiritual system that is defined by the science and laws of energy.

Therefore, true to its name, Tantra Massage is a sophisticated form of massage that incorporates the use of energy – the energy of the therapist administering the massage as well as a specific kind of potent energy that is innate in us all.

Our Sexual Energy

Ancient tantric studied energy in much the same way contemporary scientists approach science and prove hypothesis’. What they discovered is that energy is the building block of our universe and there are several kinds.

It was revealed that there is one particular type of energy that has extraordinary latent power and potency – similar to the uranium in a nuclear reactor – and that is our sexual energy. When it goes through a particular alchemical process it can transform from a raw, crude-like substance that only serves our carnal and animalistic desires to a more refined and defined force with spiritual and healing qualities.

A Powerful And Effective Means

Tantra Massage Therapy is one powerful and effective means that can transform the sexual energy from crude and rude to subtle and mystical. By employing the art of sublimation, a skilled and trained therapist does two things.

Firstly, he or she opens vital energy channels to create an unencumbered pathway for energy to flow through. In this process the receiver of the massage can experience purification and cleansing effects as well as a releasing of blockages.

Secondly, the energy is encouraged and driven upwards, from the lower areas of the body to the higher areas. Eventually, with repeat sessions, a person’s energy will start to flow upwards more organically. When this happens a myriad of beneficial effects shine through and can transform a person from the inside out.


Benefits Of Tantra Massage Therapy

Known for its long list of benefits and notable effects, the results of this therapy are not only deep but long-lasting and leave an impression of enduring and permanent change.

Here are 10 Benefits of Tantra Massage Therapy and how it can change your life for the better.

1. Improved Health

Tantra Massage stimulates the process of cleansing and purification by employing a powerful source of restorative energy and activating specific points of healing and release. It can remedy many chronic health issues that modern medicine simply treats* but does not cure*, while renewing vigor and vitality.

2. Eradicating Blockages

As mentioned above, blockages can stem from various sources, be known or unknown and can manifest in an array of facades. Tantra Massage addresses the entire human being and all its aspects. It touches a person on the physical, mental, emotional and sexual levels.

By employing energy, this therapeutic practice has the ability to get to the root of the blockage, not just its superficial appearance, and permanently eliminate* it in a harmonious way.

3. Remedying Sexual Dysfunctions

Generally speaking, sexual dysfunctions are a result of a blockage. For men dysfunctions can range from impotence, premature ejaculation, loss of sexual desire and others. For women this can include lack of desire, frigidity, painful sex, an inability to experience pleasure or achieve orgasm, plus much more. Through purifying the body, releasing blockages, awakening the sexual energy and dispersing this vital energy throughout the body, a person can cure* sexual dysfunctions and transform their sex lives dramatically.

4. Increased Orgasmic Potential

When a person’s sexual energy is strictly condensed to the area of the genitals, sexual encounters and climaxes can be very short, one-dimensional and fleeting in nature.

Through the practice of Tantra Massage Therapy this potent energy is dispersed upwards in a human being and it becomes more refined and powerful. The higher this energy goes the more accessible high ecstatic states become.

Sex becomes a more transcendent and spiritual experience where orgasms can be extended to minutes and even hours, and two lovers can ride enduring waves of pleasure together. Men and women can become multiorgasmic and sexuality is elevated to tantric dimensions.

5. Spiritual Awakening

Unfortunately, due to a widespread misrepresentation of Tantra Massage as a sexual or erotic service, its spiritual benefits are often overshadowed and overlooked. While this may not be at the forefront of your interest, it is important to note the original purpose of this practice is to serve as a springboard for the higher tantric teachings and to upgrade a person’s level of consciousness.

When the massage is executed with authentic tantric principles in mind the spiritual inspiration seems to organically shine through and excite a natural curiosity towards deeper aspects of ourselves and our true nature.

6. Ability To Feel True Love

As the sexual energy is directed upwards using Tantra Massage Therapy techniques it will accumulate in the center of the chest. By the time it reaches the level of the heart it has changed dramatically into a more pure energy.

A person can experience an awakening and expansion of the heart and the accumulated energy can arouse a state of true love. Not the Bollywood and Hollywood portrayal of love where it is an act or an action, but rather a genuine and unconditional feeling of love.

7. Improved Relationships

When Tantra Massage is practiced properly its effects are far-reaching. If healing and energy are the cornerstones of this practice, a person experiences a purification of the physical body, an alleviation of blockages, a renewed vitality, an ability to feel and share true love, a spiritual awakening often times, and a soul-opening bliss.

As a result of this inner transformation, the way a person interacts with the world and relates with others will change as well. They will be able to connect on a deeper level and be a conduit for more profound intimacy.

8. Elevated Success

Within each of us exists an energetic broadcasting system. When our systems are clean and pure, our broadcasting system resonates at a higher vibration and life or the universe can respond more favorably.

When a system is burdened with impurities, heavy emotions and blockages, the transmission is drowned out and diluted and a person will often times feel stuck or stagnant in life, generally.

Tantra Massage is like laundry for the physical and emotional bodies and can effectively purge baggage and blockages leaving a place and a space for the realization of pending dreams and desires.

9. Self-Awareness

Tantra Massage clears away the blockages and impurities that cause confusion and ignorance, and opens the doorway into self-reflection and introspection. With the waters less muddied, so to speak, our true selves can emerge.

When there is a more panoramic view of self, empowerment and wisdom are gained. We can now more intuitively and intelligently begin to redefine who we are, develop the person we wish to become and handcraft the life we wish to lead – without the heavy baggage.

10. Sustained Happiness

Through the abovementioned effects, Tantra Massage Therapy can bring forth a new lease on life, a liberation from the clutches of the past and welcomed clarity for the future which ultimately cultivates genuine, long-lasting happiness and contentment.



Contributor: Tiffany Tanner

(Consumer Health Digest)

Tiffany Tanner is a Tantra massage Therapist

Teacher of authentic Tantra massage

For more information see below:
