Temple at the Heartworks Lomi Lomi Retreat in Sweden
Benefits of Heartworks Lomi Lomi
PEACE – The world’s most precious resource. Not only World Peace, but actually “Peace of Mind” – is such a rare commodity. I am currently writing from Stockholm Sweden, the home of Alfred Nobel and the home of the Nobel foundation, where all Nobel prizes are awarded, except for the “Peace Award”, that one is handed out in Olso, Norway. It was a special privilege to attend a Heartworks Lomi Lomi retreat in the wilds of Sweden, 3 hours due west of Stockholm, in an old-fashioned camp surrounded by a lake, a sauna and total nature.
The treatment of Heatworks Lomi Lomi is about creating a feeling of being nurtured and cared for. It gives space for joy and creativity. The technique of touch, pure thought and breathing assists in creating MANA (power) and allowing the giver to focus on the love. This instills confidence, care and “openheartedness” which is very important in creating a positive healing energy.
On this trip, it is clearly evident, that the world is looking for world peace, more still, “peace within themselves” and how interconnected we all are, and how clearly oblivious most people are to this fact. Not fully understanding the impact of our actions on other individuals and the ripple effect this has on all human beings and all humanity.

Benefits of Heartworks Lomi Lomi
Removing lactic acid build up – assisting muscle development – improving blood circulation – releasing toxins – relieving muscle spasms – stimulating the lymphatic system – restoring vitality – increasing metabolic rate – releasing emotional buildups – reducing anxiety, fear, worry and negative thought patterns and overall instilling a sense of wellbeing in the body, mind and spirit.
The “Temple of your Soul” has been massaged and relaxed. A cleansing process is taking place, releasing toxins, cleaning up the body, freeing up tension, healing pain and illness and boosting the immune system.
This massage has the power to create an alternate state of consciousness and sacred experience, and helps you re-connect with your spirit and promotes your body’s ability to heal.
The following 7 Hawaiian principals – Huna Philosophy are very key in our Heartworks Lomi Lomi treatments
Ike – The world is what you think it is – Be aware
Kala – There are no limits – Be free
Makia – Energy flows where attention goes – Be focused
Manawa – Now is the moment of power – Be here now
Aloha – Love is the source of Power – Be happy
Mana – All power comes from within – Be confident
Pono – Effectiveness is the measure of truth – Be positive
This workshop was delivered in the land of Alfred Nobel, Sweden, by an amazing long time kahuna – Heartworks Lomi Lomi Instructor Sonia Blessing, also taught by Mette’ Institute at High Spirits.
Today and always, I wish you loving kindness,
Till you are able to receive and experience this incredible loving treatment
Namaste xo