Hello special People
There is a lot of focus on Mental Health these days.
In the Temple opinion, based on what we have experienced and seen in our clients over the years, by the time we notice changes, things have usually reached a crisis proportion, and your body, mind, and spirit have gone off balance.
Diet, lack of love for self, lack of care for self, disconnection from Nature, disconnection from self, tension build up in the body, too much medication, lack of awareness, overexposure to digital media/cell/electronics, are items that cause this crisis. Not to mention, poor diet, and eating foods that block and change our energy channels. The most common factor, the unwanted and stealth buildup of tension in the body, keeping us paralyzed in fear unable to initiate change which is quite frustrating.
It is hard to pinpoint the time and exactly when things start to deteriorate, but if we become more aware of energy, the effect of negative energy, lack of grounding, then we become more aware of things that affect our daily life, relationships, family and community.
Mental health in essence is a disconnection from ourselves. The disconnect needs to be re-attached in baby steps. Since an immersive connection could be overwhelming! Therefore; it is critical that we take a “baby steps” approach to this important re-connection to initiate clarity in a compassionate way.
Our experience has been that a loving massage, whether – Kahuna or Lomi Lomi and variations from these two types of massages and introducing Ancient Huna principles can help jumpstart the re-connection process in a gentle and caring way. It is important not to jolt the body, but to introduce certain loving principles in a very intent-full way.
Change freezes us into inaction, let’s set intentions, manifest change, be grateful that we as humans can rationalize, and are able to make adjustments. Come unlock your potential and begin your healing journey with a temple massage.
“Mental Health does not define who you are, just like a rainy day does not define the day.”
Much love,